
I cannot believe that my student teaching experience in Ireland is over. It has been an incredible seven weeks, and I have gained so much knowledge from this experience! Coming into this teaching practicum, I had no idea what to expect from Marino, CUS, and even Ireland itself. I am so grateful to have taken this opportunity as I know I will remember it forever.

Teaching in Ireland has provided me with great insight into the Irish curriculum as well as the Irish culture. Starting in my second week of teaching, I was able to plan and carry-out three lessons a day. My absolute favorite lessons to teach fell under their SESE curriculum. During this, I would usually teach about the United States and compare an aspect of my life to an aspect of the students’ lives. I found this to be extremely beneficial not only to the students, but for myself as well. One specific lesson I taught was about animals in the US versus animals in Ireland. I had researched some rare animals from each country, and taught the students about why they were so interesting. The students were then able to create their own rare animal and tell the class why it was so special. I liked this lesson because I was able to learn more about Ireland while I was able to teach about the United States too.

As I reflect on my time here, I want to give some advice to any future student teachers who are interested in going abroad. If you are considering it, DO IT!! I have always loved to travel, and being able to live in another country for two months has opened my eyes to many new experiences. Do not be afraid to go outside of your comfort zone and take a risk. Also, take advantage of all that Ireland has to offer. There are so many amazing trips that you can take within Ireland that will expand your horizons outside of Dublin. Along with this idea, if you are in Europe, take advantage of traveling to other countries in Europe!! Even if it is only for a weekend, flights are usually very inexpensive and you never know when you will have another opportunity like this come your way. The decision to go abroad was one of the best ones I have made, and I would go back in a heartbeat.

-Raya Hankin

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