America Day!

On Thursday, April 30, our classes participated in America Day! Each one of us took a topic related to America and taught it to each of the four classes. I taught all about Dr. Seuss. The students were introduce to him with a BrainPOP Jr video. Since I didn’t have a version of the story in hand I found a video that read the story Bartholomew and the Oobleck to the students. After the story was finished, the students and I made oobleck together out of cornflour and water. We then discussed whether it was a solid or liquid. It turns out oobleck is both.


The students participated in our lessons all before lunch. After lunch, we went outside tonhave the classes play baseball. The students had learned all about baseball earlier in the day from Kellie, so it was great for them to actually play the game.




Overall, America Day was a success! It was a lot of fun, and I’m so glad we were able to do it.

Back at Leighton

It’s been a great two weeks back at Leighton Academy. I can’t believe we have only a week left after tomorrow. I finally remembered to take some pictures from my classroom.







My year 4 students have just started reading on of my favorite books, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. It’s funny to hear it called by the title; I’m so used to hear “and the Sorcerer’s Stone.” I’m bummed that I won’t get to read it all the way through with them! One of their assignments this week was to predict what the Dursley’s would do when they found Harry on the doorstep. The students wrote their predictions on a post it note to begin.





The above one was probably one of my favorites. “I think Mrs. Dursley finds Harry  and reads the note and chucks him in the bin.” Eventually they had to turn their prediction into a writing piece and continue the chapter. They began with a story map, the completed a “Let’s Write” with their maps.


In science  the class has begun a unit on habitats which begins with the students looking at the difference between living and non-living things. In mixed-ability groups, the students had to sort pictures and decided whether they were living or non-living things.


After completing the sort, the class had a discussion about under which category the different pictures were placed. I wrote a list of those items onto the white board for future reference.


After the dicussion, in their science notebooks, the students had to compile their own list of living and non-living things. Depending on level, the students had an organizer to help them or they had to complete on their own, and some had to give reasons why it was living or non-living. It was interesting to see the reasons students put.




Tomorrow, the girls and I are participating in America Day! We are each teaching about something from America to all four of the classes. It should be fun! I just hope the weather stays nice for the big activity in the afternoon!

Final stops on our vaca

Rome was amazing, especially the food. Our diets consisted of pizza, pasta, and gelato, and I wasn’t hating it. We saw some pretty amazing ruins and historical sights. We had some pretty gorgeous weather too!


The Colosseum


Visiting the Pope at the Vatican



The Roman Forum & Palatine


After Rome we flew to Prague for two days. Prague is a very pretty city and we were able to discover that by doing a segway tour. It was extremely fun!



From Prague we took a bus and a train to Germany. Here we stayed with some of Jenna’s family. They were extremely nice and accomodating. It was extremely generous for them to take us in for two days. They even brought us to Munich for a day trip where we got to see the famous Rathaus-Glockenspiel and Olympic Park.



View from Olympic Tower


Our final stop on our European adventure was Ireland. This was my favorite stop, and I wish I had a lot more time there! We spent two days in Dublin and Jenna and I spent a day in Galway. While in Dublin we visited Whalens Pub, which is a pub where scenes from one of my favorite movies, P.S. I Love You, was filmed. There was even a signed movie poster on the wall. We also visited the Guinness Factory. After the factory tour, Kellie, Erin, and I took a train out to Howth which is a little fishing town. It had some great views of the ocean.




My final day in Ireland was spent in Galway. Galway was absolutely beautiful, and I wish I had more time because I didn’t get to see everything I wanted to! My main goal was to go to the original claddagh ring shop, Thomas Dillon’s, and get myself a ring. I was able to find the shop and bought myself and my Nana a ring. She brought my one back when she went to Ireland years and years ago, so I thought it wa only fitting that I brought her one back. I wish I could’ve gone to the beach because I hear it’s extremely beautiful. There are just only so many hours in a day.



Overall it was a good trip, and I’m so greatful I was able to experience it all!