Felicia’s first week in Quito

Wow! Where do I even begin. This past week has been an absolute whirlwind. Landing in this country the first thing you recognize is just how beautiful the mountains are here. Coming from Bridgewater which is a very flat area truly makes you appreciate the beauty of the natural landscape’s and the mountain’s here, I have truly never seen anything like it! The second thing I noticed was just how kind and caring the people are here. Absolutely anyone and everyone is willing to offer a helping hand. They all want to invite you over for coffee and bread, and they all want to be your friend, which is once again very different to the people and the lifestyle back in Bridgewater. Everyone has been so welcoming and helpful, especially as Colegio Menor. On that note, this school is absolutely incredible. It has been so cool to see the differences in the Education from here to the Education system at home. One of the very first things I had noticed is that here the student’s call you by your first name, rather then Miss Prata, they all call me “Felicia”. I believe all schools should do this, because I feel as if it puts you on a more personal level with the students, it allows them to know you on a first name basis and get to know you a bit more for who you are and feel as if they can relate a bit more to you. Another thing that I think is very nice is just how close all of the staff are here, everyone knows everyones name, they all come walking into your classrooms whenever to tell you about their home lives, ask you about lesson plans, or make plans for the weekend. My students are very sweet here, I am in first grade so the students have a whole lot of energy. They have an hour of recess everyday, half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the afternoon. Another thing I LOVE about this school is that we get out half an hour early on Friday’s. I believe every school should do this, so we get an extra half an hour of the weekend. Also, this past weekend we got to see so many beautiful things. We went to Pululahau, which is a Volcano located in the Northern Andes Mountain’s here, and boy was it beautiful. Sunday we took a bus tour of downtown Quito to see all of the sights, and visit some very beautiful churches. Overall, I am loving my experience so far and cannot wait for how many things I will learn here, and how many pretty places I will get to visit. I am beyond grateful for this opportunity.

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